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Archives for October 2010

Why Parenting Preschoolers Isn't Easy

Homeschooling when you have little toddlers or preschoolers around is a challenge, to say the least.  One of the most challenging parts of being a mom, in fact, is learning how to juggle the multitude of responsibilities that faces you in a day, from parenting various ages of children to handling all the different aspects of a home, sometimes while also maintaining a job or ministry. …

Homeschool Help from the Master Planner

If I invited a professional organizer to come over to my house and help me with my goal of organizing all my homeschooling “stuff,” the first thing this expert would do is sit me down in my living room. She’d pull out a clipboard, and she’d start to ask me questions.…

Why We Do It

Biblical Homeschooling Goals

Today I want to quickly list a few “homeschooling” goals that are straight from Scripture. I’m hoping to gain some principles I can use to choose a homeschooling philosophy, method and curriculum out of the trillions of options that are available to me.…

Brainstorming a Homeschool Philosophy

Ladies, it’s late at night when I’m writing this, and I have simply got to get to bed. My eyes are heavy… I’m falling asleep… Seriously, I’m breaking my be-in-bed-by-ten-o’clock rule. 🙂 I didn’t have time to finish this blog post as I wanted to, but I’ll give you what I’ve got so far.…