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Our Homeschooling Plans (2012-2013)

We’re starting a new school year this coming Monday, so it’s time for my annual post on what curriculum and methods we’ll be using in the Elliott home this year.

I’ve really struggled with this post. First of all, I’m fighting a cold, so I’m struggling with the motivation to start a new school year.…

Should We Teach Mythology?

As we’re preparing to launch our new world history curriculum (Daniel’s Statue: Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome), I’ve been really pondering what we homeschoolers should do about teaching pagan mythology to our children.

Should we teach about Greek gods and goddesses?…

How to Teach Chemistry and Physics

Why Teaching Chemistry and Physics Is So Hard
  1. It’s been 20 years since you had high school math or science.
  2. You weren’t paying attention 20 years ago.
  3. You didn’t even understand it if you had paid attention.
  4. You didn’t think you’d ever need to know this stuff.

8 Things to Do Before Starting Homeschool

How many more weeks until school starts at your house? We’re planning to start back up again the first week of August — and it just recently dawned on me how soon that will be!

So I thought I’d make a list of the things I need to get done in the four weeks of summer I have left.…

10 Ways to Grow as a Homeschooling Teacher

Sometimes we mothers spend all our time figuring out which curriculum we should purchase for our children, or how to make lesson plans for the coming year, and we completely forget that we as teachers also need to grow and learn.…

Music – Everyday Conversations with Kids about God (Part 7)

This is the last in a blog series filled with ideas to get conversations started with our kids about God…

What Scripture Says

(Just wanted to note that the Scriptures say a lot about singing and music. The word “sing,” for instance, is used 107 times in the NIV!…

Prayer – Everyday Conversations with Kids about God (Part 6)

We’re in a blog series filled with ideas to get conversations started with our kids about God…

What Scripture Says

“Listen to my cry for help,
my King and my God,
for to you I pray.
In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation”
(Psalm 5:2-3).

Tips for Attending an Online Homeschooling Conference

It’s that time of year again — the time for homeschooling conferences. It’s so fun to attend a live conference, to network with other homeschooling families, to hear inspiring speakers, and oh, those vendors and exhibits!

However, with the rising costs of gas, hotels and even babysitters, online conferences have been increasing in popularity the last few summers.…

Copywork – Everyday Conversations with Kids about God (Part 5)

We’re in a blog series filled with ideas to get conversations started with our kids about God…

What Scripture Says

“When [the king] takes the throne of his kingdom [Israel], he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the priests, who are Levites.

Wall Decor – Everyday Conversations with Kids about God (Part 4)

We’re in a blog series filled with ideas to get conversations started with our kids about God…

What Scripture Says

In an age when Pinterest has captured the hearts of moms everywhere, I am thrilled to see that God also believes in “pinning” things to the walls of our hearts and homes.…