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Archives for February 2007

Spelling that has helped my daughter…

I really like the Bible-based spelling lessons I found for free on the Internet.  My oldest daughter spells very phonetically… you know… fonetikly.  🙂  But for some reason, this spelling has helped her.  It’s not fancy, but I like how it combines dictation with old-fashioned review. …

Teaching Handwriting

I wrote the following e-mail to a friend this morning, and I thought it might be helpful to someone else, too….Her question:

My question is about handwriting. This seems to be my weak area of teaching. My almost 9yo has deplorable writing and my 7 year old is no better.

Decluttering plans

Oh, I can tell it’s February, because my house is getting cluttered.  Gray skies combined with cold weather make me slow down and want to spend my life in front of my computer screen, rather than working on my house or being generally sociable with anyone… including my  kids! …