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Archives for November 2010

Home Business and Home School

Have we lost our minds? We started homeschooling our children because it was something we were passionate about. However, the reality of slim income has sent countless homeschooling moms online, searching for a way to start a home business. “No problem,” they say.…

Always Needing More Time in a Day…

Several months ago I took a survey of all my readers, and one of the questions was whether you wished you could spend MORE or LESS time homeschooling your children each day.

  • 57% of you said you wished you could spend MORE time homeschooling each day.

Motivation for Learning

How can we motivate our children to learn?

I absolutely love homeschooling and have no desire to educate my children in any other way, but admittedly, one of the biggest drawbacks to homeschooling is the lack of competition and the give-and-take that can happen in a good classroom.…