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Archives for 2011

For the Love of Games

Our seven kids love to play games with mom and dad!  We enjoy games more than worksheets in school, video-game tournaments more than television, and board games more than other family activities.  As a homeschooling mom, I love how playing games together as a family provides benefits that go far beyond school time.…

Learning Problems

Nothing is quite as unnerving to a homeschooling mom as finding out that her child is struggling in school. I know, because I’ve been there! I have several children that struggle in reading, spelling, handwriting, and math — and it can be scary!…

The Curriculum Carousel (Round and Round We Go…)

Ask any veteran homeschooler about burn-out, and she’ll quickly get to the topic of curriculum. What mother hasn’t sincerely purchased piles of curriculum only to discover later that her choices were a terrible fit for her family? (Waving my hand here!)…

Choosing & Using Curriculum (Book Review)

Way back when my first child was only a couple years old, I just knew I was going to homeschool him. I was not only going to homeschool him, he was going to be the smartest little thing that ever walked the face of the earth.…

Sibling Fighting Isn’t Funny

We’ve been talking about good character for several weeks now, but I wanted to start listing some specific ideas for teaching character to our children. I thought I’d start right where Jesus does:

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

What IS Good Character Anyway?

Let’s quickly summarize what we’ve already studied about character.

  1. Character can only be passed on to our children when we have it in our own hearts first.
  2. When we say that we want to teach “good character” to our children, we mean that we want to teach them how to be holy.

Helping Children Serve Others

What does the Bible say about serving others, and how can we encourage our children to devote some of their time to service? I decided to spend some time researching ministry this week, and here are some things I learned:


Homeschool Daily Schedule

The following is a guest post by homeschooling mom Kelli Rizutto. She has three children, ages 11, 9, and 6.

I wanted to share what we do to help plan our days during the homeschool year.

I do a homeschool/chore daily schedule for my kids on Microsoft Word.…

What the Bible Says about Character Training

Last week, we started a discussion on character training. I thought I’d buy myself some time while I searched the Bible for what God said about character.

That’s the funny thing… I’ve been searching for two weeks, and I didn’t find much!…

Homeschooling for Free

If your budget is so tight that you can’t afford to homeschool, does that mean you should quit and send your kids to (free) public school?

No way! Thankfully, we live in an era quite unlike our parents or even homeschoolers of just a decade ago.…