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Archives for 2012

Wall Decor – Everyday Conversations with Kids about God (Part 4)

We’re in a blog series filled with ideas to get conversations started with our kids about God…

What Scripture Says

In an age when Pinterest has captured the hearts of moms everywhere, I am thrilled to see that God also believes in “pinning” things to the walls of our hearts and homes.…

Counting the Omer

Today is the Feast of First Fruits (Leviticus 23:9-13), which also means that today we start counting up to Pentecost, or Shavuot, the “Feast of Weeks.” It’s called that because there are seven weeks (50 days) between these two feasts.…

Memorials – Everyday Conversations with Kids about God (Part 3)

We’re in a blog series filled with ideas to get conversations started with our kids about God…

“All the ends of the earth
    will remember and turn to YHWH,
and all the families of the nations
    will bow down before him
Posterity will serve him;
    future generations will be told about YHWH.

Appointments with God – Everyday Conversations with Kids about God (Part 2)

We’re in a blog series filled with ideas to get conversations started with our kids about God…


God instituted special days throughout the year that serve as wonderful opportunities so we can share the love of our Messiah with our children.…

Creation – Everyday Conversations with Kids about God (Part 1)

When I was a new mom, I read a book called Creative Family Times, and the authors encouraged me to get in the habit of carrying on conversations with my children about God as often as possible. They suggested that a tree could remind me to discuss Zaccheus, a lake could remind me to talk about how Jesus walked on the water, and a visit to the zoo could remind me to talk about Noah and the ark.…

Do-It-Yourself Curriculum Planning

I want to encourage you to plan out some of your own curriculum for the coming year. There are several reasons why you make the best “curriculum planner” for your own children:

  1. God has given parents the responsibility to train and teach their own children.

What Homeschooling with the Bible Might Look Like

You know what would be awesome? Awesome would be a camera crew going into a variety of homes on an average Tuesday morning and filming what their homeschool actually looks like.We could see how their kitchens were set up, how they handled the toddlers at breakfast, how they got the knots out of all the girls’ hair, and how they all found their pencils at school time.…

Are You Shopping for Curriculum?

The first of February marks a new season of curriculum “shopping” among homeschoolers. For me personally, I start shopping in February because we get our tax refund soon, so I want to know how much money I should set aside for the coming school year.…

Difficult High School Subjects

If you’ve been following along with our current year’s homeschooling plans, you know that we’re homeschooling five children, plus we have two little ones. This gives us a 10th grader, 7th grader, 6th grader, 4th grader, and 1st grader.

Several of you have written to me, wondering how we get everything done in a day.…

Feeling Like a Terrible Mother

Way last June (!), I received this note:

Please, please could you help me out with something?  Sometimes I think I missed out on your “foundational fours” and need to spend time going back to that.  Our multi-grade classroom is not working, and I’m going crazy.