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Notebooking Ideas for Homeschooling

Notebooking is an idea with which I have a love-hate relationship. I love it because it provides my children with a creative outlet, it requires that they regurgitate what they’ve learned from our reading and discussions, and it gives them with a great way to review what they’ve learned as they look back through their notebook all school year.…

Our Homeschooling Plans (2011-2012)

It’s back-to-school time again! This year, we’ll be homeschooling the following grades and ages:

  • 10th Grade Son (age 15-16)
  • 7th Grade Daughter (age 12-13)
  • 6th Grade Son (age 11)
  • 4th Grade Daughter (age 9)
  • 1st Grade Daughter (age 6-7)
  • Preschool Daughter (age 4)
  • Little Guy (age 1-2)

Here is a peek at our plans for the coming school year.…

5 Things That Make Moms Tired

The Bible says that younger women are “to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God” (Titus 2:4-5).…

Teaching Our Children the History of Babylon

Why is it important to teach our children about the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)?

Only the Bible contains true history.

There are a lot of theories in history textbooks, which try to explain the origins of our world.…

Mom, I’m Bored!

With summertime upon us, we have scaled back our daily schoolwork to just basic math and reading. The kids are really glad that it’s finally warming up enough in Minnesota to play outside almost every day, and I’m glad they’re able to spend some of their energy in new ways.…

Tips for Bible Memory

(from Appendix A of our Foundations Bible Curriculum)

Our tips for memorizing verses each day are based on the following principles:

  1. It’s easier to memorize a verse if you know what it means.  That’s why we spend the first day of each week talking about what the verse means. 

A Week of History Lesson Planning

On my blog and in my new book, Biblical Home Education, I wrote about a method of lesson planning that we use in our homeschooling, which I call the “Hear, Learn, Keep, Do” method, after Deuteronomy 5:1,

“And Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them” (KJV).

NEW BOOK: Biblical Home Education

With countless choices of homeschooling curriculum on the market, it can be extremely difficult to evaluate which ones are biblical — and which ones aren’t!

I’ve been doing a lot of writing this past year on a biblical homeschooling philosophy. I’m excited to release this now as an eBook, perfect for new homeschoolers and veterans alike!…

My Homeschool Planning Notebook

We’ve been talking about how to organize our school rooms, so today I thought I’d show you the real key to my homeschooling sanity organization — my planning notebook.

Way back when, when I first started homeschooling our oldest son, I tried using planning software, such as Edu-Track and Homeschool Tracker.…

How to Survive Clutter in a One-Room Homeschool

In an ideal world, we would all have rooms in our homes that we could devote solely to homeschooling. We’d have plenty of space, plenty of bookshelves, and plenty of roomy cabinets. We’d have space on the walls for maps and charts, and we’d have a comfy corner for reading, cuddling, and projects.…