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The Curriculum Carousel (Round and Round We Go…)

Ask any veteran homeschooler about burn-out, and she’ll quickly get to the topic of curriculum. What mother hasn’t sincerely purchased piles of curriculum only to discover later that her choices were a terrible fit for her family? (Waving my hand here!)…


We have agonized over handwriting in our house. We have two seemingly conflicting viewpoints: First, we don’t consider handwriting “busy work.”  Rather, we think handwriting should be incorporated into the other subject areas your children are learning, such as Bible, history, science and literature. …

Teaching Handwriting

I wrote the following e-mail to a friend this morning, and I thought it might be helpful to someone else, too….Her question:

My question is about handwriting. This seems to be my weak area of teaching. My almost 9yo has deplorable writing and my 7 year old is no better.