Why is it important to teach our children about the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)?
Only the Bible contains true history.
There are a lot of theories in history textbooks, which try to explain the origins of our world.…
Using the Bible as Your Primary Textbook
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Why is it important to teach our children about the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)?
Only the Bible contains true history.
There are a lot of theories in history textbooks, which try to explain the origins of our world.…
(from Appendix A of our Foundations Bible Curriculum)
Our tips for memorizing verses each day are based on the following principles:
On my blog and in my new book, Biblical Home Education, I wrote about a method of lesson planning that we use in our homeschooling, which I call the “Hear, Learn, Keep, Do” method, after Deuteronomy 5:1,
…“And Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them” (KJV).
My friend Diane, from Gentle Shepherd Curriculum, is offering a very nice freebie right now on her website. It’s a 57-page ebook of Bible memory passages. Each passage of Scripture is written in a large, italic font. She has intended for children to copy the verses in their best penmanship into their notebooks each day, but I’m also thinking that I, the mother, could print these and place them in my notebook to review orally with my children each day.…
Several weeks ago, I first heard about a Bible curriculum by Peter Enns, published by Peace Hill Press, the publishing arm of The Well-Trained Mind. Since so many homeschoolers are “classical” in style, this really made my ears perk up.…
This post was originally written February 5, 2010…
Today I’d like to take a minute to answer some email questions I have received about Bible memorization.
…When your children memorize verses, do they memorize the reference as well? Do you require them to?
…Note: Last week, I started a two-part discussion from a commentary note by Adam Clarke, originally published in the early 1800s. He wrote the following about Deuteronomy 6:25, with what I feel is about the most excellent summary of homeschooling philosophy I’ve ever read.
Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible, originally published in the early 1800s, has an interesting note on Deuteronomy 6:25. It is about the most excellent summary of homeschooling philosophy I’ve ever read. I can’t stop thinking about it. I wish I were smart enough to have written this in the first place!…
As we continue our Bible study from my Juggling Life’s Responsibilities, we see this question:
…“According to Psalm 111:10, where does wisdom begin?”
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
all who follow his precepts have good understanding” (Psalm 111:10).
Our family just finished up our yearly achievement tests. They are required of homeschoolers in our state, but it’s certainly not the highlight of our year! We used to be required to have the children take the tests in a group environment, but now we have the privilege of having Daddy administer them here at home.…
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