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An overview of language arts

The following was written in response to an email I received from a mom who is discouraged. She asks what her focus in teaching language arts should be.

Your focus is stated so well, that “they need to be able to express themselves.”…

Listening to Learn

Amy Blevin has written a practical e-book called Listening to Learn. Because of some breathing difficulties she has, she began using audio books to help her teach her children. Her dilemma resulted in fabulous results for her kids — and for those of us who get to benefit from her knowledge!…

Product Review: Diana Waring's Ancient Civilizations and the Bible

We’ve been studying ancient history this year this year in our homeschool, and we chose to use Diana Waring’s Ancient Civilizations and the Bible as our “spine.”

Things I Like: I am impressed with Diana Waring’s grasp of creationism and her strong stand that the Bible must explain history, not that history explains away the Bible.…

Sonbeams – for preschoolers

I wanted to write a quick recommendation for my friend Candice and her preschool curriculum called Sonbeams. As a firm believer in chores for little ones, I especially love her dry-erase chore charts, one for boys and one for girls.…

A few little gems

Here are a few little gems I found while “surfing” my blog subscriptions this morning:

  • Some thoughts on 1 Corinthians 13 by Jess at Making Home. Thanks, Jess! A friend and I were discussing how to show respect to our husbands (practically, I mean).

REVIEW: 102 Camp Songs from Twin Sisters

My kids love these CDs. It provides hours of silliness that’s clean and fun. Even better, if we register on their website, we can download a PDF with lyrics to all of these camp songs at no cost.

We like to play these CDs at breakfast.…

Simchat Torah

This coming week, our family will be joining in on the traditional Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, which means “Rejoicing in the Torah.”

As Wikipedia explains, this holiday celebrates the completion of another year of reading through the Torah.…

Activities for the Day of Atonement

Here is a fun study on the biblical Day of Atonement! In our house, we took one week to do this study.

Memory Verses – “For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.…

Christian Education in the Home

The following is a quote from the introduction to a wonderful book, Celebrate the Feasts of the Old Testament in Your Own Home or Church, by Martha Zimmerman. I thought it was very good…

“Hey, Mom! You’re right! Habakkuk is in the Bible.”

The Month of Preparation

Just as the sixth day of the week is the preparation for the seventh, the Sabbath, so also the sixth month of the year is the preparation for the seventh, the month of the fall feasts.  Well, we’ve just started Elul, the sixth month of the year. …