On my e-zine a few weeks ago, I wrote…
This is the time of year when I begin planning for next school year. For several years, I’ve been using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to write down all my “wish list” ideas. One column adds up the prices (including shipping) so that I can see at a glance if I’ve stayed in budget.
If you’re handy with Microsoft Excel, please feel free to use my worksheet. It’s not hard to add or delete rows, columns, or even more spreadsheets, so that you can customize this form for your homeschool.
Today Amy wrote to me with a great improvement to my spreadsheet:
Hi Anne, I wanted to share with you how I tweeked your planning file. I wanted a column of Sonlight’s prices and also a column of where I can find it cheaper (or not). I also added a function that takes the lesser price and uses that in the total. It still needs work but I surprised myself by finding out how to do the function! 🙂 Someone else may want the advantage of comparing prices too.
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