I am looking for good websites and books that describe HOW to do a science project, with ideas for projects and step-by-step guidance on how to research, write, display, and enter contests, etc.
If you have any suggestions, please let me know! I’ll add all the ideas to my homeschooling website’s science page.
Thanks so much!
A Beka has the book, Science in Action: A Science Project Guide
A step-by-step explanation of scientific investigation, the science research paper, oral presentation, and the science fair exhibit. Highly practical for all students, grades 7-12.
Retail: $9.25
Code Number: 58769
Grades: 7 – 12
I don’t know how good it is, my kids being way too young for Science Fairs just yet.
Oh, I just see on your science page you already have it listed, never mind : )
No, thanks! I saw this book last when I was in high school (which my children inform me was a LONG time ago, LOL), and I’m curious if it’s helpful now, or if it’s helpful for homeschoolers. It’s about all I could find, though.