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Tips for Attending an Online Homeschooling Conference

It’s that time of year again — the time for homeschooling conferences. It’s so fun to attend a live conference, to network with other homeschooling families, to hear inspiring speakers, and oh, those vendors and exhibits!

However, with the rising costs of gas, hotels and even babysitters, online conferences have been increasing in popularity the last few summers.…

Obedience and Homeschooling

If you’ve been homeschooling for any time at all, you’ve discovered the same secret I have. Children must be obedient if you’re going to enjoy teaching them!

God says the same thing:

“The father of the righteous shall greatly rejoice: and he that begetteth a wise child shall have joy of him” (Proverbs 23:24).

Comparing Phonics Methods

Anne, you state that you use Abeka to teach reading, yet you also say that All About Spelling is your favorite spelling/phonics program.  Do you use both at the same time, or use Abeka for two years (K & 1st) than switch to AAS in 2nd grade, or maybe some other combination altogether? 

The Seven Laws of the Teacher

When I was in high school, I had the privilege of taking a “how to teach” class from one of our school’s elementary teachers. I took the class because I was considering majoring in elementary education in college, so I wanted to see if I would like it or not.…

Winter Homeschooling Blues

It’s February, and here in snowy Minnesota, our local public school planned two days of vacation into their calendar — today and Monday. I think it’s a good idea, since school starts feeling a little “old” this time of year. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize that it was a day off school, so I didn’t plan a break into our calendar.…

What a great way to turn your tabletop into a chalkboard!

My friends over at the Unclutterer had a great idea on their blog today. The basic idea is to use inexpensive matte-finish oil cloth, plus chalk, to decorate your table for Thanksgiving. You can write right on your tablecloth, to put names where guests are to sit, to label dishes, or to keep the kids from getting bored by letting them play tic-tac-toe, etc.…

Our Homeschooling Plans for 2009-2010

Well, we Elliotts start our new school year this next week, and while the kids are a little sad to see the freedom of summer end, I’m pretty excited about this year. (I always did like school… so I guess nothing’s changed.)…

Who’s In Charge (in Your Homeschool)?

This post is an excerpt from Anne’s book on how to organize and plan for a new homeschooling year.

God’s precious Spirit would never guide you down any path that contradicts what He has commanded in His Word. We know that the Bible says wives are to be in submission to their husbands “in everything” (Ephesians 5:22-24), which obviously must include the way we teach our children.…

Let's Try Notebooking

By Cindy Rushton

Notebooking … ahhh, just the thought makes me hyper! If I could ask every homeschooling family to do just one thing, it would be to just give notebooking a try. This is the one technique that pulls everything together—studies, research, real life, personal interests—everything!…

How to Teach Vocabulary

Note: We strongly urge you to purchase the following book by Ruth Beechick, before attempting to use our vocabulary suggestions:

How We Teach Vocabulary

When we were students, we remember having lists of vocabulary words to learn each week. …