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Archives for August 2010

Our "New & Revised" Homeschooling Plans (2010-2011)

Okay, last week I waxed eloquently about my wonderful homeschooling plans for the year.

Now it’s time for true confessions. It worked great… for a day or two… then we were feeling miserable. The kids complained about the books, and I complained about how much work it all was.…

Homeschooling Goals

If you’ve been thinking about homeschooling for any length of time, you’ve seen books and articles that recommend that you make goals for your children’s education. I remember when my oldest son was just a few years old. My husband and I heard this same advice, and we honestly had no idea what goals were worthy.…

Homeschooling at Anne’s House 2010-2011

I guess it’s getting to be a tradition. How is Anne going to homeschool her children this year? Well, it’s been a busy summer and I’m feeling a tad disorganized, but here are my plans for the coming year.

We’re in the middle of developing curriculum for several subjects because we haven’t found things that are a “perfect fit.”…