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School Rooms

I think I might possibly have the ugliest school room ever, but I thought it would be fun to take a trip down memory lane, to see what our “school rooms” have looked like over the years.

My oldest officially started kindergarten at home in the fall of 2001, but I can’t find a single picture of the little table where he did his school work.…

Homeschooling at Anne’s House 2010-2011

I guess it’s getting to be a tradition. How is Anne going to homeschool her children this year? Well, it’s been a busy summer and I’m feeling a tad disorganized, but here are my plans for the coming year.

We’re in the middle of developing curriculum for several subjects because we haven’t found things that are a “perfect fit.”…

Friday Night

We’ve been enjoying a special dinner together as a family on Friday nights.  I found a really nice song, written by Martha Zimmerman in her book, Celebrating the Feasts, and we sing it as our blessing over the food on Friday nights:

(to the tune of “Edelweiss”)
Bless our home, bless our food;
Come, O Lord, and sit with us;
May our talk glow with peace,
May your love surround us;
Friendship and love, may they bloom and grow,
Bloom and grow forever;
Bless our home, bless our food;
Come, O Lord, and sit with us.…

Kiersten colors some pictures

The kids are always drawing and coloring around here, so I thought I’d show you some pictures.  These two are from Kiersten.

The first is a kitty-cat picture she drew.  She says this is her imaginary cat “Dee-lah.”

The other picture is of herself wearing dress-up clothes, she says. …