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Why One Mom Loves to Homeschool

by Laura Q. — used by permission

I’m not patient, I’m far from organized, and I’m not disciplined. But guess what? We’re doing great! It would be very very hard to do worse than the public schools in educating your child.…

Hints for Homeschooling a Kindergartener

(Originally written in 2001, when my oldest son was in kindergarten, to give some advice to a friend …)

Hi, friend…

My dishes are done and my laundry is folded, so now I can play for a few minutes. I’m going to try to write down my favorites for homeschooling in every area I can think of, to help you get started. …

theology and homeschooling

I have to say “amen” to Robin Sampson’s recent post called “Replacement Theology is Anti-Semitism.” She carefully explains this popular theology and why it is so dangerous. I applaud her efforts. This topic has been popular in our house for several years, as we’ve been observing what it does to families, let alone its implications for the Jewish people.…

Christian Education in the Home

The following is a quote from the introduction to a wonderful book, Celebrate the Feasts of the Old Testament in Your Own Home or Church, by Martha Zimmerman. I thought it was very good…

“Hey, Mom! You’re right! Habakkuk is in the Bible.”

Interesting article by HSLDA

I read an article by Michael Smith, president of HSLDA, suggesting that a large number of formerly homeschooled families are turning to government charter schools. Why? It’s so attractive to have curriculum materials (and oftentimes computers) provided. Charter schools often provide support teachers who can advise Mom when the going gets tough.…

How can a homeschooled child do homework???

My oldest son is 10, and he’s in fourth grade. He’s always been homeschooled, so you’d think his mother would have it all down pat by now. If only! The last few years have seen us trying this curriculum or that, making our own, reading more books than you can imagine, and spending too much money, all in the hopes of finding the perfect method that truly justifies our homeschooling venture.…