I have to say “amen” to Robin Sampson’s recent post called “Replacement Theology is Anti-Semitism.” She carefully explains this popular theology and why it is so dangerous. I applaud her efforts. This topic has been popular in our house for several years, as we’ve been observing what it does to families, let alone its implications for the Jewish people.
As she points out, this is an especially popular doctrine among homeschoolers. I think that’s because we want to believe that God is “bringing in the kingdom” and that He would be pleased to use families like ours. We want to be part of a dream that is bigger than ourselves. It makes laundry and dishes and schoolwork much more appealing.
But please don’t be deceived. While it may sound good, it is not consistent with Scripture, and it has very dangerous conclusions. I urge you to read Robin Sampson’s post and discern whether you might have fallen prey to this theology.
In addition ask yourself:
- What does God think about Israel today?
- What is the Church?
- Where do I fit into God’s plan?
Search the Scripture and discuss these things with your husband. Try to figure out what decisions you’ve made as a family are a result of your beliefs about Israel. You might be amazed!
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