Amy Blevin has written a practical e-book called Listening to Learn. Because of some breathing difficulties she has, she began using audio books to help her teach her children. Her dilemma resulted in fabulous results for her kids — and for those of us who get to benefit from her knowledge! I personally would like to incorporate more audio books in our homeschool.
Amy is allowing me to host a giveaway of Listening to Learn to all of you! Here’s how to enter:
- Visit Amy’s website and read more about Listening to Learn.
- In the comments below, tell why you think using audio books would be helpful to you as a homeschooler. (Be sure to also leave your name.)
You may enter until midnight, Wednesday, February 11. I’ll draw one of the names from a hat next Thursday and announce the winner in my newsletter next Friday.
(Note: Amy is having breathing difficulties this week and is pregnant with twins. Please be praying for her!)
This book looks very interesting! I have used audio books for the read-alouds in Sonlight as I did not always have time for all of them. But I have not considered using them for the electives I have a hard time fitting in. I would love to have the opportunity to learn more!!
I believe using audio books will help with my children’s listening skills.It would also allow me to multi-task.
we are studying about paying attention and how observant we are ( not as much as i thought lol ) and what better way to “test” that than to use audio books!!
I think audio books would be a definite benefit in my homeschooling.
We could listen to them while we are driving and this could count as classroom time and cut down on the “are we there yet?” questions. It would also free my mind to pray as driving.
My son is loves listening to audio books. This year we have done history Creation through Christ, science and some read-alouds on audio. We have both learned a lot.
We often listen to books on tape together – a great shared experience stimulating conversation and connection, but we are limited by my lack of knowledge. I only know how to play CD’s – either purchased or checked out of the library. My daughter has an Ipod, but I don’t know how to use it for this purpose. By expanding my knowledge of resources and how to use them we could have so much more to share.
We enjoy listening to read alouds and to audio books (when I can get them in South Africa) but I sometimes do not understand how much or how little to question a child after this session. I guess they have learned but often when I ask they seem not to remember much and I wonder what i did wrong! We’ve been playing a listening game called the Ungame to improve our listening skills as a family- it is great. Our younger children do use audi whilst I school the older one at times, but I’d be interested in Amy’s methods. I’ll be praying for her, difficulties in pregnancy are not great.
Lindy, I’d love to hear more about how to play “ungame.”
We have a winner. My husband randomly chose from all of you (and he didn’t peek…). The winner was Lindy Greaves! Congratulations, Lindy. I’ve sent the e-book to you privately by email, but if you didn’t receive it, feel free to contact me: anne at