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Archives for 2008

Telling Our Children Why

When God tells us to remember the Sabbath day, He gives us the command to “remember” and “observe.”  These words give us the reasons behind His command.  They also give me two great ideas for parenting.

First, while not all my commands to my children will contain the reason, it’s helpful to be sure that I don’t exclude the reason completely. 

Useful Commentaries Online

As we read through the Bible each day with our children, my husband and I find that the reading brings up a host of questions for us.  We have enjoyed reading various commentaries to get some unique perspectives on a passage of Scripture.…

Friday Night

We’ve been enjoying a special dinner together as a family on Friday nights.  I found a really nice song, written by Martha Zimmerman in her book, Celebrating the Feasts, and we sing it as our blessing over the food on Friday nights:

(to the tune of “Edelweiss”)
Bless our home, bless our food;
Come, O Lord, and sit with us;
May our talk glow with peace,
May your love surround us;
Friendship and love, may they bloom and grow,
Bloom and grow forever;
Bless our home, bless our food;
Come, O Lord, and sit with us.…

Got New Books!

The big event for me yesterday was receiving a box with all our new homeschooling books (for next fall) in it. We order from many different companies (including ABeka and lots of used books on Amazon and Ebay), but our biggest order this year was from Rainbow Resource.

Kiersten colors some pictures

The kids are always drawing and coloring around here, so I thought I’d show you some pictures.  These two are from Kiersten.

The first is a kitty-cat picture she drew.  She says this is her imaginary cat “Dee-lah.”

The other picture is of herself wearing dress-up clothes, she says. …